Alfonzo is 62 years old, is a widower, and lives in his own home with his granddaughter in the Chulucanas district, Morropón province, Piura department, Peru. He has very good references, both personal and professional, from the inhabitants of the area. The residents of his town make a living primarily from farming, trade, and ranching.
Alfonzo makes a living making bakery and pastry products such as bread, bocaditos [bite-size snacks], and cakes, among other things, with more than 24 years’ experience in this line of work. He is applying for a loan to purchase more inputs such as flour, butter, and eggs, among other things, in order to make more products. This will allow him to earn more income for himself and his family.
Alfonzo is a new member of Edpyme Alternativa.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.