A loan helped a member to stock up on empty crates in gross so she can build up her business.

Ubumwe Group's story

Muliri is a client of the microfinance institution YIKRI and president of the Ubumwe banque villageois. Married and 40 years old, she is the mother of 10 children, who all study. Her spouse is a merchant.

She sells empty crates with start up capital given by her husband 15 years ago. With this loan, she will stock up on empty crates in gross to build up her business. The challenge of her business is that policemen chase her.

She would like to educate her children and nourish her family. Finally, she thanks Hekima and its partners for the support they bring to unbanked entrepreneurs.

In this group: Mediatrice, Muliri, Vicky, Marie, Judith, Julienne, Gato, Marie, Jileda, Eugenie, Gabriel, Regine, Patrick, Pasteur, Ezekiel, Hakizimana, Erick, Loriane, Alliance, Sophie, Rukara, Pascaline

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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Lenders and lending teams

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