A loan helped to pay for the baptism of his young son.

Victor's story

Victor is a member of the Los Solidarios Community Bank. He lives in the province of Urubamba in the department of Cusco, about one hour from the city of Cusco. He is 25 years old, married, and has a 2-year old son. Victor drives a vehicle providing service on the Urubamba-Ollantaytambo-Cusco route. He works hard to help his family get ahead in life and give them a good standard of living.

Victor is asking for a loan to pay for the cost of having his son baptized. He will pay for the church service, a celebration for the guests, and buy his son a smart suit. He is grateful for this opportunity to obtain a loan and promises to make the repayments according to the established schedule.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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