A loan helped a member purchase fruit, water, sugar, seafood, groceries, etc.

Bello Amanecer Group's story

The group Bello Amanecer consists of three people, two women and a man, who humbly live in the community of Nueva Caucara. The community was forced after Hurricane Mitch, and most of the inhabitants are parents, so it's a peaceful place to live.

Arlis Yaneth N. A. is 34 years old and makes a living selling natural refreshments in her community. Her home's location helps her, since it is right in front of the local school. She is requesting the loan to purchase more raw materials so she can take advantage of the school season.

Maria Concepcion A. is 60 years old and married to Celso Avila, and together they have four children who are full-grown and have their own homes. Maria has made a living selling groceries out of her convenience store for the past 10 years, and this allows her to help her husband with household obligations. She is requesting the loan to invest in her business and increase her store's supply stock.

Julio Cesar N. A. is 30 years old and has three children, all of whom are small and of school age. He is married to Eila Areceli Montoya, who works at the San Lorenzo shrimp packaging plant. Julio has made a living selling seafood, especially shrimp and fish, for the past year. He sells the products in Tegucigalpa one time per week. He is requesting the loan so he can purchase more products and increase his earnings.

All the members need to loan to make headway with their family and improve their quality of life.

In this group: Arlis Yaneth, Maria Concepcion, Julio Cesar

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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