A loan helped to purchase dentures and pay for a dental treatment.

Dora Alicia's story

Dora is 49 years old, married, has 2 children, and has worked for a company as an employee for 2 years.

She comes for a dental exam since, with the passing of time, she has been losing teeth and if she doesn't get care, she will continue losing them. She does not want to let more time pass. The diagnosis was dentures and some dental treatments.

Unfortunately, she does not have enough resources to pay for it in cash. Facing this situation, she asked for a loan to get the care as soon as possible because she does not want to continue like this, and to be able to have a better quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It covers medical expenses for low-income families.

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