A loan helped to help a sole elderly woman to buy a cow so she can provide dairy products for her own consumption and for selling.

Dallandyshe's story

Dallandyshe is a widowed mother of one. Her only son is married and works and lives in Greece. Her husband passed away years ago, living her alone on raising a little child and taking all the responsibilities of the house. She is a tough woman, who has had a difficult life, but at the same time very welcoming and kindhearted.

"Dairy products in villages are a must for our tables and complementary to the veggies. Besides this I can also sell part of the milk or dairy products that I will make, and this way I can also make an extra income to afford other bills!"- said Dallandyshe during the interview, hoping for a loan for the first time in her life.

This loan is special because:

It supports women in a country where financing options are scarce.

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