A loan helped to buy school supplies and pay tuition for her children.

Ngà's story

Ngà is 44 years old and has eight children. She lives in Nga Son district, Vietnam, near the sea. She and her husband have operated a small stall, selling fish to cover their family's daily expenses. Most of the locals are fishermen. Because of their lack of knowledge and labor needs, they often have big families.

She wants her kids to go to school continuously, instead of leaving school at an early age; something that happens often in her community. She is asking for a loan to buy school supplies and pay tuition for her child, who is in high school.

This is Ngà first loan with Thanh Hoa Microfinance Institution. She hopes for a bright future for her children.

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details