A loan helped a member to buy beverages, breads, milk products, meat, vegetables, fruit and other items to sell in her store.

Mujeres Al Dia Group's story

The communal banking group is called Contemporary Women (Mujeres al día) and it is made up of women who lived in the same neighborhood and were motivated by good experiences to help each other. They group has 12 members and all of them have high hopes for the business activities undertaken by group members. One of the members is Elisa. She works in sales and has a modest store in her home. She comments that through this humble work she has been able to generate enough income to help her family survive.

Despite her daily difficulties she has not let herself be overcome and she is looking for a way to continue strengthening her work and thus to offer her family a dignified life. She is asking for a loan in order to buy beverages, breads, milk products, meat, vegetables, fruit and other items to sell in her store.

In this group: Maria, Delia, Maria, Ylda, Graciela, Elisa, Mirta, Alicia, Julia, Liz, Damacia, Marciana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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