A loan helped to buy fruits and vegetables to set up a grocery store that will generate more income for her family.

Bornes's story

Bornes is a vibrant mother who is focused on improving her standard of living and that of her family. She is the breadwinner in her household. Bornes is also characterized by her sense of responsibility, her self-sacrifice, and her love for her work, her farm, and her cute children. She lives in Siongiroi, Kenya and is blessed with lovely children who are her greatest motivators. She perseveres because she wants to provide a better future for them. Bornes has realized a market gap in her village and wants to start a grocery shop supplying fruits and vegetables to the local residents.

Bornes is borrowing this loan to buy fruits and vegetables for the grocery business. She will use her market knowledge to fix a good market price for her products. The additional profits she earns will be saved for the education of her children, as well as for loan repayment. Bornes will also help other farmers in her place of residence, since she will create a good market for their commodities. Employment will therefore be created in this village.

This can only come true if you extend your good will to Bornes and lend to this industrious woman today! You can help this mother with a loan and help her be closer to her goals.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details