A loan helped to purchase fertilizers and special equipment for sowing activities on her farm, thus managing land cultivation to have high productivity levels.

Anzhela's story

Get to know Anzhela, a young farmer from Anushavan Village. She lives with her family of nine in an area considered to be an underserved region. Although the family meets difficulties raising their farm, they never lose hope for a brighter future.

On their farm, Anzhela and her family own chicken and cultivate potatoes, barley, and grass. Thanks to the sales of agro-products, the family is able to sustain their living.

Anzhela applied for financial support with an aim to manage their land cultivation. With the provided loan, she plans to purchase fertilizers and special equipment for sowing activities. She believes that these enhancements will let them have higher productivity levels and increased income.

This loan is special because:

It provides flexible support for rural communities with fewer opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details