A loan helped buy livestock.

Yorleny's story

Yorleny S. R. is 34 and married. She has three children, and they are her greatest priority. They are 11, 12, and 8 years old.

The loan that she wants is to buy some calves and to buy their food. She wants to give the livestock adequate maintenance in order to get the greatest earnings possible when she sells them. She also wants to increase the number of animals she has and be able to keep them in better conditions. She has a suitable area for the care and maintenance of the livestock.

This is her first loan with FUDECOSUR. She is very happy with the ease of payments that they provide. Yorleny has several years of experience with livestock.

In the future she hopes to give her family a better quality of life and greater economic stability. She also hopes to keep growing as a person and as a producer.

The Foundation for the Development of Southern Communities is dedicated to economically empowering its clients by providing credit and capacitating programs to improve living conditions of micro-entrepreneurs and their children across Southern Costa Rica. You can obtain more information on FUDECOSUR from the website: FUDECOSUR.org

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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