A loan helped a single mom to buy farm inputs, such as certified seeds and high quality fertilizers, to improve her yields and generate more income to improve her family's quality of life.

Getrude's story

Getrude is a single mom of 5 who is not only hardworking, but also determined to succeed and overcome poverty. She lives in a humble home in the town of Bomet. Getrude keeps cows on her farm, and has a small garden where she plants trees. She enjoys plowing her farm and watering her plants.

The Bomet area is a favorable one for farming. In the modern world, agriculture has become exceedingly dynamic. The kind of inputs that are being used in the sector today are upgraded, so there is a need to use improved farming inputs for effective production.

Getrude is seeking a loan of 70,000 KES through Kiva's field partner Juhudi Kilimo to buy farm inputs, such as certified seeds and high quality fertilizers, to improve her yields and generate more income to improve her family's quality of life.

Being a woman and accessing funds in Kenya, especially around her remote village, is very challenging. Getrude feels relieved knowing there are institutions such as Kiva that help enterprising women like herself. She is always working to improve her family’s living conditions, but her biggest dreams are to become independent and support her family by herself, secure her children’s future, and buy a home.

Kindly be a source of inspiration in her life by clicking that "Lend" button!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details