A loan helped to purchase coffee to sell.

Annah's story

Meet Annah!

She is 45 and lives in Kanyamuhe Kyaburere, Bugangari in Rukungiri. Annah lost her husband and she has two children who are still in school.

Annah trades in coffee. She dries it and sells to big businessmen who buy in bulk. She also owns a plantation where she grows coffee and has some cattle. She is determined, hardworking and she supports her family very well,

She has applied for a loan of UGX 1,600,000 to invest in coffee trade by buying in large quantities so that she will leverage on the profit.

She believes with the increase in profit, she will be able to pay tuition for her children with much ease. She thanks Kiva funders and UGAFODE for the financial support.

This loan is special because:

It targets rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details