A loan helped to buy an apricot garden to expand her business activity and increase her income.

Sanobar's story

Sanobar is a 42-year-old kind and polite woman from Isfara, Tajikistan. She is married and the caring mother of four children.

Sanobar is a very successful businesswoman and has great experience. She sells shoes in her shop and has a large number of clients. She makes a good income from her business and provides her family with better living conditions.

Sanobar also is a responsible farmer. She grows apricots and sells them in the local market. Her activity is seasonal and she gets a good income from this.

Sanobar is asking for a loan from Kiva’s partner IMON to buy an apricot garden to expand her business activity and increase her income. She depends on your charity and help.

This loan is special because:

It supports low-income female farmers while minimizing interest payments.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details