A loan helped a member to buy more goats for resale.

Bwizi Livestock Marketing Group, Kyenjojo's story

Jackson M. is 45 years old and the leader of his lending group in Kyenjojo. He appears in the small photo at the top left just like in the big photo and he is a very hard working and friendly man with 7 children, 5 of them still in school as he takes care of two dependents.

Jackson is involved in the business of goat selling from Benga Bwizi subcounty and he is able to make weekly profits of 45,000. He believes that once his business expands, his income and profits will also rise. He hopes to become a strong business person and with the loan, he hopes to expand his business operations for more profit, by buying more goats for reselling.

In this group: Jackson, Sylivano, Mary, Anthony, David, Benon, Richard, Joseph, Joseph, Ronald, Federesi, Kurineri, Bazilio, Beatrice, Angelica, Kurineri, Michael, Joviah, Fionah

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details