A loan helped to develop a new line of sustainably-produced and handmade artisan fabrics.

Jackie's story

Jackie began working with local artisans in Bangladesh in 1989 to design export-ready fabrics and products and provide artisans and their families with regular incomes. In 1998, she formally launched Motif - an organization working with artisans in Bangladesh to provide them with ethical employment and economic opportunities. Given the large amount of textile waste in Bangladesh, Motif prioritizes using recycled and upcycled raw materials in their line of products.

A loan of $5,000 will help Motif develop a new line of sustainably-produced and recycled fabrics that will increase their sales and market reach. Through this loan, Motif will work with the handweavers that are already making and supplying fabric from this recycled yarn to develop the new fabric and to promote it. Motif will also use the loan to purchase new electric sewing machines for the artisans and to pay the weavers their fair trade wage.

This loan is special because:

It supports artisan organizations that have an impact beyond a single artisan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details