A loan helped remodeling the back patio of her house.

Martha Auxiliadora's story

Martha Auxiliadora is 47 years and lives with her husband in the Sierras Doradas neighborhood. They have 3 children, the two oldest of which work and help with the chores of the farm and the youngest studies in high school. Martha has worked selling groceries and various products for 2 years and it was able to open her business through her own efforts.

The crisis that has swept her country has made her sales decrease considerably. And this lack of money hinders the investment in new projects. One of these projects includes the remodeling of the back patio of her home, which is why she is asking for this loan, so she can buy construction materials. This would help her and would benefit her children as they are allergic to dust, so tiling this part of the house would protect the good health of the family members.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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