A loan helped to purchase high-quality forage and fertilizers for her farm.

Gayane's story

Meet Gayane, an inspiring farmer from Bagratashen village. She lives with her husband and mother-in-law in an area considered a conflict zone.

Agriculture has been their main activity for 12 years. On their farm, they keep turkeys and chickens and also cultivate wheat, peach trees and grapes. They trade their agro-products in nearby villages and this is their main source of income. Although they face many difficulties on their farm, they never lose hope for a brighter future.

Gayane applied for financial support with the aim of developing their farm. With the loan, she plans to purchase high-quality forage and fertilizers. She strongly believes these enhancements will allow them to have a more productive farm and increased income.

Gayane is full of hope and will work hard to achieve her goals.

This loan is special because:

It allows for those living in an area prone to conflict to access credit with favorable terms.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details