A loan helped a member to buy supplies for preparing her food such as vegetables, meats, baked goods, condiments, greens, and other ingredients.

Mujeres Trabajadoras Group's story

The group named “Mujeres Trabajadoras” is in its second loan cycle with the Women’s Committee Program. There are 18 women, all of whom live in the community of Villarrica. These hardworking women are also neighbors.

One of the members is Ramona, who sells food that she prepares herself. She says that she has an established clientele who always buy from her since everything she prepares is delicious. Ramona says that she is responsible for supporting her family. Thanks to her work, effort, and sacrifice, her loved ones have a decent life without hardships.

Ramona is requesting a loan to buy supplies for preparing her food such as vegetables, meats, baked goods, condiments, greens, and other ingredients. This will allow her to continue offering her customers a nice variety of food as always.

In this group: Blanca, Ramona, Marciana, Lidia, Dahiana, Maria, Ana, Norma, Maria, Camen, Sara, Marina, Fatima, Rosa, Carmen, Mariana, Epifania, Luz

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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