A loan helped to purchase pants, T-shirts, blouses, and dresses to offer her customers more variety.

Karina Katiuska's story

Karina Katiuska is 31 years old. She is married and has two children, ages 15 and 10. Her husband is a fisherman. They live in the canton of Jaramijo, which is known as the fisherman’s cove. It is where tourists can visit diverse places, beginning with Punta Blanca, a perfects beach for diving or just taking walks in the tranquility of its shores.

She is a very hard-working woman who likes to earn her own way and be able to support her husband in covering the household expenses. That is why she has been working for two years selling clothing for children and adults. She makes sales door to door. She also sells at her house. She sells her garments on credit and charges every eight days.

This loan will be very helpful to her because she will be able to stock up on merchandise to continue with her business. This loan is for the purchase of pants, T-shirts, blouses, dresses, etc. Her dream is to have a location for her business so that it continues improving.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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