A loan helped to buy sorghum to make into a traditional local beer.

Theodosie's story

Theodosie is 42 years old and married. She has four children between the ages of 6 and 14. Theodosie also cares for another person in her family. Theodosie lives in Gasabo District in Kigali Province, where her business is located.

Theodosie owns a small shop that sells ikigage, a traditional beer made from sorghum. This business is profitable. Theodosie is now requesting a loan from Kiva lenders via Vision Finance Company to buy more sorghum to make the ikigage.

Theodosie's husband is a farmer, but his farm does not generate enough income to support his family, so Theodosie has decided to contribute to her family by selling the sorghum beer. Theodosie has an experience of six years in this field. Her business is open from 6:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening every day except Sunday.

Loan details

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Loan details