A loan helped a member to buy compost, seeds, and other supplies.

San Isidro De Salvacion Group's story

These members belong to the Communal Bank “San Isidro de Salvacion”. This bank is located in the District of Manu in Manu Province, Department of Cusco.

Adela is one of the members. She continues to manage her agricultural business. Adela has been in this business for quite some time and is doing well thanks to the effort she puts forth each day into her work. She is a responsible and diligent person who hopes to continue working at her business so that she can keep supporting her family. Adela requested a loan to buy compost, seeds, and other supplies.

The members of this group are grateful to the Kiva lenders and promise to submit their payments according to the established terms.

In this group: Adela, Maximiliano, Sebastian Felix, Julia Ines, Felipa Martina, Concepcion , Levi Michel

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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