A loan helped a member to buy foodstuffs to sell and raise income that will cater to family needs.

Matsiko Group-Sanga's story

Matsiko Group-Sanga is located in Mbarara. It is comprised of members who do different economic activities but share a common goal of poverty eradication.

Catherine is a single mother of one child. She operates a grocery stall selling fresh foodstuffs like bananas, vegetables and fruits. With this business, Catherine is able to fend for her child. Sometimes it is challenging, though, since she is the sole bread winner.

Your loan will enable Catherine to stock more foodstuffs for sale to increase her income, which she will use to meet her needs and those of her child. She appreciates the support that will transform her situation economically.

The extra member (male) in the photo is still saving, hoping to take a loan in the next cycle.

In this group: Janat , Godfrey , Scovia, Bazirio , Catherine

This loan is special because:

It targets rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details