A loan helped to purchase additional stock of perfumes, face lotion and body scrub.

Edith's story

Edith is aged 42 and lives in Mutoko, Zimbabwe, as a single mother with her three children. It has been 2 years since she started her business.

Edith sells beauty products such as face scrub, body lotion, face powder, lipsticks, eyeshadow and mascara. She has requested for a loan in order to purchase additional stock of face lotion, body scrub and perfumes, which are currently in high demand in her area of business.

The income will help her pay her children's school fees and cater for her family's general upkeep.The business is very vital to Edith as it is the family's only source of income.

This loan is special because:

It creates opportunity for rural businesses to access capital for growth

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details