A loan helped to buy farming inputs, which she will use to improve her production and therefore earn more income from sales and elevate her living standards.

Joyce's story

Joyce, a 40-year-old mom of 4 school-going children (pictured in her simple house) has great plans for her family - to give them a decent lifestyle. She considers herself to be an achiever. She loves seeing her children laugh and jump as they go to school early every morning. She is the pillar of her family in terms of taking care of household expenses through her farming business.

As a smallholder woman farmer, she finds it difficult to meet daily needs because her income is meager. She practices crop farming and dairy farming.

Joyce is seeking a loan of 65,000 KES to buy farming inputs, which she will use to improve her production and therefore earn more income from sales. Joyce hopes that through the loan, she will improve her living conditions.

Joyce's dreams and projections are that by the end of the first year she would have double her crop production.

Kindly lend to a woman smallholder farmer and help her find her way out of poverty.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details