A loan helped josé Armando to buy supplies and fertilizer to give better maintenance to 4.22 hectares of coffee.

José Armando's story

José Armando has been growing coffee for more than 15 years. He possesses 5.63 hectares, although only 4.22 has coffee trees following the FLO, UTZ, and CAFÉ practices. In the last 3 years, he has harvested, on average, 93 quintals of coffee.

Thanks to the support of the PAC technical team, he harvests and exports quality coffee and achieves excellent productivity. As part of the annual improvements of his farm, this year he will implement a nutritional improvement plan for his coffee trees. For this reason, he is asking for a loan that will allow him to buy agricultural supplies like calcium, boron, and zinc, and pay laborers for the activities he needs to execute.

This is the 9th loan he obtains from PAC. The previous loans have been cancelled in time and form.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to plant trees needed to shade coffee plants.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details