A loan helped to buy two cows.

Valentin's story

Valentin thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan that helped him to buy cows for milk. Due to this he was able to diversify his business and earn income for supporting his family.

Valentin continues to develop his farm. At the moment he raises four dairy cows and four cattle. He earns income from the selling of milk and milk products. Also he sells beef. His whole family is involved in developing the farm. The earned money he invests in developing the farm and in the reparation of his house.

Now, Valentin wants to buy two more cows. For this reason he decided to ask for a new loan from Kiva. As a result he will be able to increase the capacities of his farm.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details