A loan helped purchase plantains, flour, pigs, etc.

Mercedes Lorena's story

The city of Portoviejo was impacted by an earthquake on April 16, 2016. The city is a major producer of vegetables, legumes, and tropical fruit for domestic consumption. Mercedes Lorena, 52, is divorced and has two adult children who live on their own. She lives in a house that she rents. Mercedes works making meals to order; delivering them biweekly or when her customers request them. She makes stuffed breads, empanadas, plantain tarts with pork skin and pork meat. Her sister also sends her a variety of clothing from Spain to help her with the household expenses and her rent.

She sells her food from her home, and when requested, she delivers to her customers' homes. She sells on credit, charging weekly or monthly. She will use this new loan to purchase plantains, flour, pork, and more. Her dream is to have her own home and to continue being healthy.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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