A loan helped a member to buy seasonal clothing, slacks, and cold weather jackets and blouses.

Profetizando Bençãos Group's story

Wilma, the first one in the photo. is the group's leader. She is married and has two daughters. After becoming unemployed, she decided to work on her own to help her husband with the household expenses and spend more time with her daughters. So she opened a stand to sell clothing. She dreams of one day opening a large store with many employees. She also dreams of having her own house and being able to provide a good education to her daughters. The loan will be used to buy seasonal clothing, slacks, and cold weather jackets and blouses.

The group is renewing its loan and thanks the investors because the money helps improve the members' businesses and their quality of life.

In this group: Wilma , Marlita , Pamella , Selma

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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