A loan helped a member to buy more grocery items for her tuck-shop and meat for her butchery.

Matipa Green Group's story

Benigna who is a 58-year-old mother of four children who resides in Chihota. She runs a grocery store and butchery store in her area. Benigna now has three years' experience running businesses. Running two businesses means she does not rely on one type of business. She pays monthly rentals of $100.

Benigna buys the grocery items once a month from Harare wholesalers. She gets the meat for her butchery from local sources. To ease a working capital problem, Benigna formed the Matipa Green Group with her two friends and applied for a joint loan. Benigna used her portion to buy more grocery items for her tuck-shop and meat for her butchery.

In this group: Jane , Benigna, Dorothy

This loan is special because:

It helps women access affordable funding with targeted business training.

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