A loan helped purchase construction materials (cement, rebar, sand and others).

Aca Obede's story

Aça Obede Dauana was born in the district of Boane, in Maputo province, southern Mozambique. She is 35 years old, married and the mother of three children 9, 4 and 1 year old. The oldest attends school. She completed 10th grade and is still studying- she is currently in the second year of teacher training. She lives with her family in her own home, and supports her mother who lives in the village of Mahubo sending her money for household expenses.

She has never left Boane district, and was born in Mahubo. Later, she built a home with her family in the Fichi neighborhood of Boane where she continues to live. She has been an employee of the Ministry of Education for over nine years, and was trained at the Teacher Training Center in Namaacha. She works from 11 am until 5:55 pm and earns a monthly salary of 4500 MZN, which she uses for household expenses as well as saving some in her bank account.

She has never taken out loans with other banks, and learned about Hluvuku through friends who are also clients of the organization. This is her fourth loan, for 10,000 MZN, which she plans to use to buy construction materials (cement, rebar, sand, stone and others) to continue building her residence. The previous loans were for 10,000, 15,000 and 30,000 MZN, all for the same purpose. In the future she would like to take out additional loans to complete construction of her house and invest more in the business that she is starting.

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Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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