The NUEVA LUZ DE PACHAQUILLAY communal bank is made up of 9 members who are starting their 3rd loan cycle. They are workers who always seek opportunities to succeed and to provide a better future for their children through their hard work. The members reside in Pachaquillay, Anta province, Cusco department; a city that is noted for its beautiful scenery, its agriculture and its cattle raising. The city of Anta is half an hour away from the city of Cusco.
The members are involved in various commercial activities, such as: food sales, crafts sales, grain and cattle sales. Others provide services like home construction. The members who have businesses are worried because sales have declined due to the heavy rains that fell on Cusco for three days.
This caused many travelers to cancel their trips to Pachaquillay and now the members are trying to recuperate their losses.
Edgar is a member of the “Nueva Luz de Pachaquillay” communal bank. He is 31 years old, lives with his life partner, Yovana. They are eucalyptus tree merchants. He needs funding to buy more eucalyptus trees.
The members, in general, are grateful for the opportunity provided and pledge to repay in a timely fashion.
In this group: Jusoe, Julio, Edgar, Bernardino, Mercedes, Augusta, Francisco Wilber, Norma, Vicentina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.