Florence is 28 years old and the mother of three children, who is married and lives happily in Gatsibo village community with her children. She is very kind and committed to the wellbeing of her family. She works hard daily to improve her family's living conditions.
Florence owns a tailoring business, which she gradually expands. Yet her lack of capital threatens her business's growth by preventing her from reaching her sales targets. So she is requesting this loan to buy another sewing machine and be in possession of a sufficient stock of clothes to sell. Then her sales will increase to earn more revenue.
The profits generated by this loan will be used to pay her children's school fees. Additionally, Florence is the Indahigwa Group leader. This is her first loan cycle with Visionfund Rwanda. Since she received her first loan from this program, her family's living conditions have been improving.
Therefore, Florence is deeply thankful towards Kiva lenders for offering her this loan.
In this group: Olive , Felicite, Florence, Bertin