A loan helped a member to purchase wholesale beer.

Rositas De Visalaya Group's story

The communal bank Rositas de Visalaya, as part of the Copacabana Agency, is made up of eight members and is run by a board of directors, of which Nora is the president.

Nora is a 60-year-old widow and has three children. She has a business of selling beer. With her loan, she will purchase wholesale beer from the wholesalers in the city of La Paz. She will then sell it at her sales booth.

This type of work allows her to generate resources to support her family financially. Her aspirations are to expand her business and to improve her quality of life. Nora is asking that you once again trust in her communal bank.

Note that in the photo, Nora's daughter appears, but she does not belong to the communal bank.

In this group: Benedicta, Rita Gregoria, Elvira Lourdes, Lidia, Roberto, Maruja, Nora, Norha

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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