A loan helped .

Ossie's story

Hello :) Thank you for checking out our profile!

Becoming a student of life and engrossing myself in cultures led me to discover that people from All. Over. The. World. - work in grocery stores + make amazing products + shop in the stores. I feel it’s important to be part of something greater than oneself, and realize all components support each other.

I've always been fascinated by how identity influences perceptive. I was born into a multi-language + multi-cultural family from all over the world and yet find myself in Long Beach, CA...while many family endured more pain and struggle then I could ever imagine. True to that, I love putting myself in challenging situations to drive growth and realize my true potential.

I've always been intrigued by those risking everything to succeed….realizing that almost everything around us was created by someone, because they thought it was useful for themselves or the community around them. That TOMS shoe, that fish taco stand, that Instagram, that cookie.

So when someone cuts me off in traffic while they're playing Angry Birds...I remind myself I'm here, part of a community, in this world where we’re are all the same. Some better dancers, some better cooks...and some amazing at building things. I’ve lost close friends in life that are no longer here to explore all this world has to offer. It's all about the journey and that fuels me with passion to create, smile and share new ways to help others drive their companies forward with enthusiasm and revenue.

I love connecting with consumers and staff showing them how products will make their lives easier, happier and richer. If you have a Cookie company - I want you to enjoy your business, thrive and share that Cookie with the world :)

This loan is special because:

It helps a start up business begin to grow by hiring more employees and the necessary equipment to succeed.

Loan details


Industry: Retail
Years in operation: New Business
Website: pickl.xyz


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details