A loan helped a member to meet customer demand by buying a sewing machine and supplies for her textile business.

Las Flores De Pabatoc Group's story

In all parts of this world, single mothers have increased responsibilities that include earning income, caring for their children and maintaining their households. Santiaga, a 40-year-old Maya K’iche woman, is one of these ladies. She has a 13-year-old daughter in 6th grade. She is a member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank Las Flores de Pabatoc Group in the department/state of Totonicapán. Santiaga is a seamstress and, together with 5 employees, sews pants by the dozen and she sells them local markets. She has planned carefully and now is requesting her 3rd KIVA loan that she will use to buy cones of thread in various colors, elastics, and a much needed sewing machine.

There are 9 ladies in the Trust Bank who look forward to investing in their textile businesses. They sew tee shirts, pants, and sweatshirts. In their monthly meetings, they learn about effective business techniques like planning, investing and savings. They also learn about health, hygiene, nutrition, as well as empowerment, self esteem and women’s rights/roles. This month, the women learn about the characteristics of an empowered woman. This very useful combination of loans, education, health care and other additional services is what Friendship Bridge calls the Microcredit Plus.

KIVA investors play a vital role in this process and these women are quite appreciative. Thank you, KIVA investors, for your concern and your belief that women like Santiaga and her friends can create a brighter and more prosperous future!

In this group: Santiaga , Dorotea , Maria , Maria Florinda , Juana , Maria, Maria , Maria , Santos

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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