A loan helped to better stock her store which will benefit her customers.

Mary's story

Mary lives in Montecristi, a city known for its traditional crafts that are recognized at the national and international level.

She is a hard-working woman who is always looking for a way to improve her life. She is a teacher at the local school and she also manages a general store from her home.

She sales a wide variety of basic goods including sodas, and water gallons amongst others. Her husband and one of her sons help her manage the store while she is working at school. She takes over when she comes home as she provides the best customer service.

This loan will help her better supply her store. She dreams of continuing to improve her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Najoo Annette Wadia.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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