A loan helped to pay workers helping him in the weeding of his coffee farm and use the balance to buy manure.

Karaveri's story

Karaveri is requesting a loan to pay workers helping him in the weeding of his coffee farm and use the balance to buy manure.

Karaveri is a 53 year old man with ten biological children who are all in school. He is an enterprising man involved in farming especially coffee and maize growing and selling. In addition, Karaveri also deals in cattle fattening in order to earn an extra income to meet his family needs.

His dream is to educate all his children up to university and also become a model farmer in his area in spite of the current inadequate capital challenge, pests and cattle diseases.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details