A loan helped to purchase more beads to produce her beaded products on a larger scale.

Amama's story

Amama is a 35-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her parents in the Yendi municipality of Ghana. She runs her own business selling pastries as well as producing beaded necklaces and slippers.

Amama is requesting a Kiva loan to purchase more beads to produce her beaded products on a larger scale. She plans to use the profit she earns to support her family and pay school fees for her siblings.

Amama will repay the ‘social interest’ on her loan by volunteering two and a half hours per week as a Camfed Peer Educator, leading life skills sessions for students in local schools on topics such as rights and choices, choosing a career path and active citizenship.

This loan is special because:

It provides 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs that give back to their community by mentoring.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details