A loan helped purchase parts needed to repair various electronic devices.

Gladys's story

Sra. Gladys V. is the owner of Coral Electronics. She is separated and the mother of four children. Her business has been in existence for more than 20 years, but she took over the company more than five years ago after the death of the previous owner. Gladys was the firm’s secretary at the time and the owner’s widow decided to sell the business to her.

The business remains at its original location between Parapiti and Blas Garay Streets in the heart of the city of Asunción and still retains its customer base. It should be noted that Gladys manages her business with the help of two of her children, who are also electronics technicians.

Also worth mentioning is the loan provided by Fundación Paraguaya that was of great help in helping her acquire electronic spare parts for certain devices, such as ultrasonic nebulizers that can be very expensive, and other appliances.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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