A loan helped a borrower to purchase a computer to help her children complete their research for school.

Sebastiana Elita's story

Señora Sebastiana Elita is 45-years old. She is married, and she and her husband have two children who are fourteen- and eleven-years old respectively. Both children attend secondary school. Sebastiana's husband is a farmer, and they all live in Portoviejo.

Sebastiana is a hard-working woman who, along with her husband, works to get ahead. They are able to do so, thanks to the farming business. Even though their earnings help them to meet their day-to-day expenses, sometimes urgent expenses arise which they cannot meet. That is why Sebastiana is requesting this loan. She needs a computer so her children can complete the work required by the school they attend.

This loan is for the purchase of a computer. Sebastiana's hope is to give her children a great education.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income parents to pay tuition and fees to keep their children in school.

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