A loan helped a member to buy fruits and vegetables to resell.

Arame's Group's story

This banc villageois, established in December 2014, brings together these 10 women who come from the same area and enjoy a good relationship. They have benefited from many loans, which were reimbursed with success. Their main occupation is commerce. Arame, 57 years old and the representative of the group, is standing on the left of the photo with the hand raised. She is married and the mother of one girl.

Arame works selling fruits and vegetables. She sells walking along the approaches to the national highway. She buys her products from the wholesalers to resell in retail. She makes use of more than 30 years of good experience in this sector of commerce.

With her loan, she counts on buying crates of melons and oranges and sacks of green beans, which she will resell at a profit. She does well despite competition, because she has a good location for her selling. With the profits, she will increase her savings and participate in the family expenses.

In this group: Arame, Coumba, Ndack, Fatou, Fatou, Marème, Sokhna, Codou, Mané, Seynabou, Astou, Ndiémé, Latti Paye, Mballa, Sokhna, Fatou, Sokhna

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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