Doña Maria is 46 years old. Throughout the course of her life, she has had to face difficult moments such as the separation from her husband and becoming a single mother to her children. Maria has been selling fried foods for a number of years. She started this business with the help of her oldest son and, with the help of financing from AFODENIC, was able to generate additional profit by offering more items on her menu. Every afternoon, she begins selling food to the general public and is able to generate many sales because her dishes are so flavorful. Her plans include building an enclosed porch at the back of her house so that she can provide better service to her customers. With this loan, she plans to buy zinc, crossbeams, and nails so that she can accommodate more people and generate additional sales. She will also move her vending post from the entrance to the back of her house where she will be able to attend to her customers better. Maria thanks the Institution for its support and for making this investment in her business possible.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.