A loan helped a member to buy greens, meats, baked goods, vegetables and other additional products.

Mujeres Luchadoras Group's story

The group Mujeres Luchadoras (Determined Women) is in its 7th cycle of the women's committee programme, through which members work and help each other move ahead. Their goal is to be able to grow, not just financially but also personally.

One of the members is Sonia. Through her effort and continuous work with selling her cooked foods, she earns an income through respectful and honest ways. She exerts herself day after day and starts working early in the morning, during which she prepares the food she will later sell in her neighbourhood.

She is asking for this loan to be able to invest in the purchase of supplies for making her meals, such as greens, meats, baked goods, vegetables and other additional products. She is thankful for the opportunity she will receive to continue with her work.

In this group: Maria, Cindy, Carmen, María, Mirta, Sonia, Vidalina, Maria, Natalia, Rosalba, Patricia, Luz, Laura, Nancy, Isabel, Vanessa, Ramona, Juana, Tania, Lorena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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