A loan helped a member to buy rams to resell in order to be able to support her family.

Benkadi Group's story

The person holding the ram in the photo is Hawa. She is 40 years old and lives with her farmer husband in Mali. Hawa has five children that she is responsible for and two go to school. She signed up with RMCR with the members of her group to finance their businesses (sheep raising, market gardening), having worked in hers for eight years. She displays a lot of solidarity. She buys her products (sheep, seeds) in the markets of her town. She resells her sheep and crops in the same markets. Her profit allows her to take care of her children’s school supplies, educational fees, and clothing.

She plans to help her children to attain their educational goals.

In this group: Chata, Hawa, Maïmouna, Fatoumata, Fatoumata Oussou, Alimatou, Kadia, Biba, Setou, Alima, Worokia, Bougouzié

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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