This group loan, which consists of 17 people, is located in Akreiy Ksat village in Kandal province. Mrs. Shinang U. is the village bank president who has been selected by the members. They all will use the loan for different purposes. She is a vegetable seller in the local market and her husband, Mr. Poura Mum, is a construction laborer. They can earn less money; however, this family tries to work hard with their careers. So in order to improve their family's living condition, Mrs. Shinang U. decided to ask for a loan to buy more vegetables to re-sell to expand her business. She is a mother of three children. Two of her children are enrolled in local public school and the other one helps the parents. Mrs. Sovana Oruch is the group guarantor.
In this group: Shinang, Srey Leak, Pech, Chanvy, Shinat, Kalayanei, Yean, Pho, Chin, Sopha, Sarem, Chan Theavy, Channy, Srey Mom, Chentha, Chanthou, Sophat