A loan helped a member to buy bricks, cement, sand, and other items.

San Cayetano Group's story

The group named "San Cayetano" is in its sixth cycle of the women's committee program whereby all work and help each other get ahead. The woman named Ilda is one of the members. She is a very hard-working woman who is searching for a way to help her family and give them a better quality of life. She is a person who, despite having a problem with walking because she limps, never allowed herself to be defeated and fought to feel useful and give the best to her loved ones.

She is a humble woman who is looking to grow. She wants to improve her house. Consequently, she is requesting this loan to be able to buy bricks, cement, sand, and other items to expand her house so she can have greater comfort.

In this group: Castorina, Benita, Beatriz, Virginia, Blanca, Clementina, Clara, Gloria, Maria, Perla, Nicolasa, Celsa, Nidia, Ilda, Rosa, Claudelina, Victoria, Barsiliza, Silvia, Berta, Librada, Nilda, Antolina, Marilina, Maricel, Gloria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

This loan is special because:

It encourages disabled entrepreneurs to start their own business.

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