A loan helped a member increase the capacity of her business (tubers) to earn the funds to look after her children.

Diasso Awa Group's story

Diasso Awa have just completed their Kiva loan. The repayments were made on time.
Pauline, a representative member, thanks all the staff and lenders at Kiva for their support.
With the loan, Pauline was able to buy tubers and sell them; she had a profit which enabled her to put aside some savings and to buy a few items.
Pauline still needs loan funding to carry on her business of selling tubers. Following her sales, her profits will enable her to strengthen her business.

In this group: Pauline, Safiata, Zenabou, Abiba, Odette, Alimata, Aminata, Boussiratou

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alistair Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details