A loan helped to purchase goods for her shop.

Ligia Maria's story

Mrs. Ligia Maria P. O. is 41 years old, and lives in Laureles Sur. She is a single mother with 2 children, ages 6 and 10. Both of her children are in grade school.

Mrs. O. is a businesswoman. In the future, she hopes to buy a space in the Eastern Market. Mrs. O. survives by way of her shop, which she started with help of a liquidation. She is currently reqesting a loan to continue investing in her business and purchase a larger variety of products to sell. This would provide her family better economic and living conditions, and capital for future investment. Mrs. O. has been a responsible client and paid her loan installments on time. She would be thankful for continued support, which would allow her to continue improving her business.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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