A loan helped to buy dairy cows in order to increase her volume of milk sales to a local factory.

Aitbubu's story

Aitbubu is 63 and married with one child. She has a higher education and has been working in agriculture for more than 24 years. Thanks to her hard work and knowledge about her business, she currently has well developed farm, including 2.88 hectares of irrigated land where she grows beans, and two dairy cows. She has a contract to provide organic milk to a local factory for further processing into dairy products. This allows her to constantly invest in her agricultural business.

Having found out that she can receive a loan for further repayment from Bai Tushum Bank within the framework of the "chain of added value" product, Aitbubu approached them for a loan of 100,000 KGS to buy young dairy cows to increase her yield of organic milk. Payments for the milk from the factory will be directly deposited into her bank account, and loan payments automatically debited. She plans to put income from the loan into home renovations and further developing her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to increase production and income in a guaranteed value chain.

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